Synapse Analytics CICD
It's a pity that there is one object "Managed virtual network" in Synapse Analytics that does not allow us to fully use ARM templates to deploy the basic Synapse. And it's not possible to change this after an installation is done.
So the first consideration is Managed virtual network or not? On my last assignment they demanded that all Azure components should run on a LAN isolated from Internet using private endpoints. So in that case the answer was yes we need to use "Managed virtual network".

Basic setup is based on:
Installation of Azure Synapse Analytics installed in Azure Portal.​
Using Azure DevOPS for source code.
Managed virtual network.
If you chose to not use "Managed virtual network" you could use this ARM to deploy your first base Synapse and build from there.
Okey I assume that you now have a basic Azure Synapse Analytics installed in your azure. And has a Azure DevOps in place.
The first thing you have to do is to download the "Synapse deployment task for workspace" In most cases I didn't have enough credentials in Azure DevOPS to do this and therefore needed to get someone else to do the download. And I'll guess its the same for you!
Now setup the GIT tool in Synapse and a repository in Azure DevOPS. On your local computer create a folder to store the source code in. The source code from CICD will be ARM code (JSON). In Azure DevOPS Create a new GIT repository In Synapse you could select setup new by tapping on the "Synapse Live" drop-down menu and select "Set up code repository".
To setup a "Release Pipeline" where the CICD happens. Goto Azure DevOPS select pipelines and create a new release pipeline.
On the pipeline tab ​
Tap on Add an artifact. This is where ​you select your devops project and what to deploy.
On source type select Azure Re...
On project select your DevOPS project where you have your files.